Calling on courage in moments of emotional pain.

Published On: 21st June 2020By 3 Comments

Having the courage to be grateful in all situations.

In moments of emotional pain it would seem that gratitude is the last word that would come to mind. Having the courage to be grateful, however, allows us to interpret the phrase differently – it permits us to become a different observer. 

Courage may, at times, come as a soft whisper and at others, a shout – there is no rule book on its structure. Having courage to face all situations does however speak of an internal declaration – it says: 

  • I am human and therefore fragile
  • I am not done yet

We can call on courage when we face obstacles (breakdowns) in life when we feel overwhelmed. 

We are able to revisit the courage we’ve either whispered or shouted in the past, tapping into the wisdom it presented us by adjusting our posture and remembering that not only have we faced tough situations before but we have walked through them. 

When I reflect on various breakdowns in my life I do so with immense gratitude for the gifts they offered me. Those situations presented me the opportunity to learn about my strength and to appreciate that I am not just a human being but a human ‘becoming’. 

As I face new challenges, I choose to call on courage, not fear, as my companion.


  1. Lara 12th July 2020 at 2:29 pm - Reply

    So inspirational x

  2. Jean 26th July 2020 at 9:02 am - Reply

    Great reminder. Thank you

  3. Jean 26th July 2020 at 9:02 am - Reply

    Great reminder. Thank you

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